Hello World! I’m Nilay.

I’m a software engineer at Google where I work on Procella, a peta-scale, distributed, columnar SQL query engine. Before this, I received my Master’s in Computer Science from UMass Amherst where I spent my time exploring deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and information retrieval. While in the pioneer valley, I also enjoyed having many discussions on systems, politics, society, the human experience, and design!

Before that, I worked for Media.net as a software engineer on their contextual advertising programmatic bidding offering. This was right after I received my Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from BITS-Pilani where I led the BITS Firefox Community, participated in the Boot2Gecko project, interned at Flipkart and Qubole, competed in many programming contests, built some bots, organized and wrote software for a marathon, delivered talks, and pwned n00bs in video games :raised_hands:, among many other things!

Want to get in touch? Send me an email, or message me on social media!

This is my tiny patch in the vastness that is the Internet. So, the opinions stated here are my own, not necessarily those of my employer.